
Population Arbitration

Research the swamp ecosystem to figure out whether the schloggens, mudweavers, or other species may be in danger. Use a variety of ecology tools to determine the population sizes and predator prey relationships. Construct food webs and run ecology simulations to help the swamp-dwellers decide how to keep their ecosystem balanced and mitigate the effects of human intervention.

Standards Covered in Quest line:

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

Diagnosis Derby

Diagnosis Derby: Work with the doctor and patients in the Caterwaul Clinic to diagnose their diseases. Given access to a set of tests that can be performed, along with The Big Book of Diseases, find all the abnormal results for a patient and determine which disease they must have.

Standards Covered in Quest line:

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

  • LS1.A: Structure and Function


Triage Tango

Triage Tango: Talk to the patients in the Caterpillar Clinic to see what their symptoms are and refer them to the specialist that can best address their symptoms. Match the ailments to the body system it seems most connected to and experience the fact that some problems are not easily identified as relating to one specific system.

Standards Covered in Quest line:

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

  • LS1.A: Structure and Function


For The Birds

For the Birds: Solve the mystery of Teebeedee birds and their foods sources in different regions. Find out about what the birds in each place can or cannot eat and why, and run an evolution simulation to see how a change in food source could affect the distribution of their traits. Use the concept of survival of the fittest to explain the evolutionary mystery.

Standards Covered in Quest line:

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

Menji Family Reunion

Menji Family Reunion: Investigate Menji traits across three regions and collect data to find out which varieties are most prevalent in each biome. Talk with locals in each area to gather clues about how the menjis that live there came to be that way. Using that evidence and the concepts of selection pressures and inheritance, figure out how evolution has shaped the current menji populations.

Standards Covered in Quest line:

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

Plumebillian History 101

Provide proof to stop Antiokos from cutting down all the palunculus trees. Collect data from a number of different sources on plumebill neck length at various points in time, and put the data together into a timeline to find out how this trait has changed and what the time scale of evolution can look like.

Standards Covered in Quest line:

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

  • LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity
  • LS4.B: Natural Selection
  • LS4.C: Adaptation


GN1.6: Mold in the Mines

Parslicus needs help breeding milkflies in order to detect a toxic mold that is causing problems in the mine. Breed and bring him two milkflies that have a pointed proboscis and tastebuds on their feet. Additionally bring him a Punnett Square so that he can see how to breed more. *This is a dihybrid cross.


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